Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Bil'in Village Protest - Palestine

" Stones alone will not stop the occupation"

Since 1991, in addition to the construction of the separation wall, the Israeli government has illegally annexed close to 60% of Bil’in land for Jewish settlements.

In 2005 documents revealed the illegality of the Jewish settlements on the land.  The Israeli Supreme Court unanimously adjudicated that the Wall path is prejudicial to Bil’in land and must be altered. This decision should have allowed Bil’in to recoup close to 50% (about 100 hectares) of the land. Yet, the Jewish settlers remain.

For the last 6 years, since the court ruling, the local residents have marched from the the village down to the separation wall each Friday, week-in-week-out to protested the injustice of the Israeli Occupation.